The Flat earth reality

Where Flat Earth Fights back

About your host

Hello my friends! My name is Robert Lick. I live in Georgia, and I am 27 years old. I am a firm believer in God's creation of our Flat Earth. Learning about Flat Earth has not only changed my life for the better, but also brought me the closest to God that I have ever been.
I decided to help spread the truth with this podcast. I am happy to have you guys follow along on this journey with me! I feel as if I am doing God's work espousing the lies and uncovering the truth! Hope to see you there!

About The Podcast

On the show I bring you guys information about Flat Earth. We also bring on known Flat Earthers such as Sean Hibbeler, Mark Sargent, and David Weiss. I will bring on everyday normal people as well. I always encourage the listeners to reach out and come on the show to share their story. Our show is growing more everyday. Come check it out and see why The Flat Earth Reality is on the rise!

Why flat earth is so important?

Flat Earth is so important because it espouses everything. It's the only thing that can bring down the entire system. If we could open everyone's eyes, we could walk away from our current system and create a brand new system. By the people For the people. Fear would never be an issue. Money wouldn't be a problem. We would teach how to live off the land. Grow your own food, use what God gave us to build our own structures. We would live longer lives eating only what god intended. The air quality would improve. Our waters wouldn't be prisoned. We would be able to live the life that God intended.
The Reality at what we are presented is intended to keep us away from God, and keep our mind in a prison.

The Flat earth reality Is everywhere

Feel free to check out my socials or reach out to me !